Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate lovers will want everything coated with chocolates. Chocolate cakes, muffins, donuts, jelly, spread, pie, tart, mousse, ice cream, bun, bread, and chocolate in everything. The chocolate recipe won’t end in a list. Imagination and creativity work wonders in making new simplified chocolate recipes.
The simple chocolate topping on pancakes is the basic and common way of including chocolate in recipes or dishes. White chocolate mango cups are a recipe that loves mangoes and chocolates together. Chocolate glazed yeast donuts are the fail-proof recipe to try on. Chocolate-filled french toast is a simple french toast recipe made using leftover or store-bought bread.Milk-sweet/koya filled chocolate is a quick chocolate fix for chocolate lovers as well as for kid’s parties. Chocolate-filled buns is another simple chocolate treat that looks out for simple preparation.
Milo and Chocolate jelly is a kid-friendly and easy to make dessert. Simple homemade chocolates can be made using cooking chocolate, nuts, and dry fruits.